Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Israel, the Signs Of The Endtimes...

One of the most astounding facts that very few people know is about the Nation Of Israel. The Nations haven’t understood yet, that God chose Abraham and his descendants, Israel, not to give the world a savior alone, but also to tell us, when this savior will finally return who are beloved of Him. To try to understand the prophecies of the bible, keeping aside Israel is not possible; because Israel is the prophetic clock of God. Do you want to know, what time is it in God’s clock? Look at Israel. Israel has been likened to Fig tree in the bible (Luke 13:6-9, Mark 11:13). Through the parable, Jesus revealed God’s concern about Israel’s barrenness, and warned that it would be cut down, if they would not bear fruit. In Mark, Jesus cursed the fig tree for its fruitlessness. Now, Jesus gave an example of fig-tree to interpret the signs of the times.

 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.” Matthew 24:32-34,

Jesus said, when the Fig tree blossoms and you know the summer is near. Do you know when did the Fig-tree (Israel) began to blossom?

The prophetic clock began to tick in 1917; as one of the most amazing thing happened then. Until 1917, Israel was under the control of Ottoman Empire, but something divine happened in 1917; the British Army under the command of General Edmund  Allenby captured Jerusalem after a weeklong battle. And After the capture, General Allenby officially entered Jerusalem on December 11, 1917 and 11 month after the capture of Jerusalem, on November 11, 1918 (note November is the 11th month and 11th day of the month, and rightly 11 month after the capture of Jerusalem) at 11:00 a.m. the First Word War officially came to an end. You can check this out in websites to verify, whether this is true.


eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month and that too eleven month after Jerusalem being captured. Is this co-incidence? Is it a fluke? That too, why after Jerusalem was captured? After all, First World War did not break out because of Jerusalem, then why should it end? Note, here the number 11 (eleven) is very important. What does the number eleven signify? Any idea?

A day has 12 hours (John 11:9) and 24 hours is just the sum of 12+12 hours; and 11th hour is the closing hour, because you have just one 1 more hour before it ends. Jerusalem, in the Bible is called ‘the city of David, Zion, City of God’ - a place which God has chosen to dwell for all eternity. And again all throughout the prophecies Jerusalem seemed to an end time rock that will trouble many nations. Jesus said, Jerusalem will be surrounded by Armies… John, in the book of Revelation mentions that Jerusalem will be trampled by the Armies for 42 weeks, so does Daniel in its vision.

And again, when we read the parable of ‘Laborers in the Vineyard’ in Matthew 20:1-16: It talks about a householder who sends the laborers in his vineyard….and about the eleventh hour he went out (vs 6)… the householder sent him to the vineyard for work… notice in vs. 8, the 12th hour is shown as the hour to be rewarded.

“So when evening  came, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their wages, beginning from the last unto the first.” Mat 20:8
 Therefore, we can conclude saying that the end of 12th hour will bring a time of Judgment to receive or lose rewards. It is the last the last hour.

Was God trying to show us that the world had concluded 11th hour and had entered 12th hour? Then we have only few more minutes before the coming of Christ, when the believer’s shall be raptured and God would once again deal with the Nation of Israel. God will not deal with Israel until Church is taken out of the way. But whatever be the case, we have entered the 12th hour and are few minutes away from the 12th hour, are we ready?

Israel, the Signs Of The Endtimes...

One of the most astounding facts that very few people know is about the Nation Of Israel. The Nations haven’t understood yet, that God chose Abraham and his descendants, Israel, not to give the world a savior alone, but also to tell us, when this savior will finally return who are beloved of Him. To try to understand the prophecies of the bible, keeping aside Israel is not possible; because Israel is the prophetic clock of God. Do you want to know, what time is it in God’s clock? Look at Israel. Israel has been likened to Fig tree in the bible (Luke 13:6-9, Mark 11:13). Through the parable, Jesus revealed God’s concern about Israel’s barrenness, and warned that it would be cut down, if they would not bear fruit. In Mark, Jesus cursed the fig tree for its fruitlessness. Now, Jesus gave an example of fig-tree to interpret the signs of the times.

 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.” Matthew 24:32-34,

Jesus said, when the Fig tree blossoms and you know the summer is near. Do you know when did the Fig-tree (Israel) began to blossom?

The prophetic clock began to tick in 1917; as one of the most amazing thing happened then. Until 1917, Israel was under the control of Ottoman Empire, but something divine happened in 1917; the British Army under the command of General Edmund  Allenby captured Jerusalem after a weeklong battle. And After the capture, General Allenby officially entered Jerusalem on December 11, 1917 and 11 month after the capture of Jerusalem, on November 11, 1918 (note November is the 11th month and 11th day of the month, and rightly 11 month after the capture of Jerusalem) at 11:00 a.m. the First Word War officially came to an end. You can check this out in websites to verify, whether this is true.


eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month and that too eleven month after Jerusalem being captured. Is this co-incidence? Is it a fluke? That too, why after Jerusalem was captured? After all, First World War did not break out because of Jerusalem, then why should it end? Note, here the number 11 (eleven) is very important. What does the number eleven signify? Any idea?

A day has 12 hours (John 11:9) and 24 hours is just the sum of 12+12 hours; and 11th hour is the closing hour, because you have just one 1 more hour before it ends. Jerusalem, in the Bible is called ‘the city of David, Zion, City of God’ - a place which God has chosen to dwell for all eternity. And again all throughout the prophecies Jerusalem seemed to an end time rock that will trouble many nations. Jesus said, Jerusalem will be surrounded by Armies… John, in the book of Revelation mentions that Jerusalem will be trampled by the Armies for 42 weeks, so does Daniel in its vision.

And again, when we read the parable of ‘Laborers in the Vineyard’ in Matthew 20:1-16: It talks about a householder who sends the laborers in his vineyard….and about the eleventh hour he went out (vs 6)… the householder sent him to the vineyard for work… notice in vs. 8, the 12th hour is shown as the hour to be rewarded.

“So when evening  came, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their wages, beginning from the last unto the first.” Mat 20:8
 Therefore, we can conclude saying that the end of 12th hour will bring a time of Judgment to receive or lose rewards. It is the last the last hour.

Was God trying to show us that the world had concluded 11th hour and had entered 12th hour? Then we have only few more minutes before the coming of Christ, when the believer’s shall be raptured and God would once again deal with the Nation of Israel. God will not deal with Israel until Church is taken out of the way. But whatever be the case, we have entered the 12th hour and are few minutes away from the 12th hour, are we ready?